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This server is in STAGING mode. This means all changes will be overwritten from the live site anywhere from 3-4AM CST. Test and play to your heart's content knowing that the data will be pulled from the live server later.
Weapon and Gear quantities are now in active!
Fri Feb 15 2019
Weapon and Gear quantities are now in active! This was a long overdue
feature for those dozen deadly dagger wielding thieves, those
crossbowmen carrying a bounty of blunt bolts, or those wizards carrying a
container of cherry candles.
You can initially set your quantity when you purchase your Gear or Weapon:
Once purchased, you can change the quantities using the drop-down menu.
On the PDF your gear will show up with a 2x, 3x, 5x, 7x, 11x, etc in front of the name, and the weight of singular (total) under the weight column.