This preview should not be used for "production" data. This is the development "deployed" V4 version of
This server is in STAGING mode. This means all changes will be overwritten from the live site anywhere from 3-4AM CST. Test and play to your heart's content knowing that the data will be pulled from the live server later.
Much of is now Open Source
Tue Jan 28 2020

I've been wanting to release this for a while, but I've been a bit worried about some quality of code issues (some of the code there isn't my best work).

I've decided to "pull the bandaid" so to speak and release the code all but the server, authentication, and billing parts of the for the world to see under the GPL v3. All the code currently is in Typescript and React. I've also included the public image/fonts directory as convenience under no license as some of the images and fonts there aren't owned by me. All the submodules are linked in each README, but here's the list of all the open sourced modules and projects:

Also, I've started a small experimental project could bring the libraries to faster and more efficient .wasm modules in a future release (as well as being able to be compiled to machine native executables for blazingly fast processing). This project is coded in Rust and can be found at

Thanks for all your support!
