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Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Data Entry Delayed
Thu May 27 2021

It'll be a few more weeks before we start work on the Pathfinder for Savage Worlds import. We're still waiting on the last few bits of errata from Pinnacle before we start data entry.

I know I promised to start work this month, but to save potential bug and data fixing later I figured it'd be best we wait until all the fixes in the beta test are done (we had heck keeping up with the Rifts and SWADE data entry).

We'll let you know when we start. We'll likely hold off on the Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Core Book until the Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Bestiary beta is released which should be a subtle nod that their awesome team has moved on from the Core book's changes.

Thanks for your patience!


Jeff's Notes (roasting on an open fire): It was brought to my attention that the title of this article originally read "Pathfinder for Savage Worlds Delayed" which if read out of context (and if someone didn't read the article) could have been interpreted that the entire Pinnacle Entertainment Group Kickstarter was delayed. This was completely unintentional and thoughtless on my part. I blame myself. All apologies. is not affiliated with PEG in any way except that we're a licensed Ace. ~J @ 2021/05/28 07:40cst